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The Bulindi Chimpanzee ​& Community Project

A community of wild chimpanzees clinging to survival in a disappearing and unprotected habitat in Western Uganda.

About the chimpanzees

The Bulindi chimpanzees are a community of wild chimpanzees that live in western Uganda. The project is dedicated to protecting these wild chimpanzees and their habitats. This important population of great apes is under threat from habitat loss and humanchimpanzee conflict. The Bulindi chimps are part of a larger population of over 300 chimpanzees that survive in shrinking fragments of forest on agricultural land. This area, known as the 'corridor' linking major chimpanzee populations in two large protected areas (the Budongo and Bugoma forests), has substantial conservation value. Read More

The project

The project was established in response to the urgent conservation situation facing wild chimpanzees in the region. The area has strong conservation value as a ‘corridor’ linking major chimpanzee populations in two large protected areas (the Budongo and Bugoma forests, each home to more than 500 chimpanzees). However, the small corridor forests are owned by local village households and have no formal protection. Since the 1990s, these forests have been extensively logged and converted to farmland. Habitat loss has led to escalating levels of conflict between villagers and resident chimpanzees, threatening the survival of this important population of great apes. Read More


The research at Bulindi has generated a series of scientific articles about the behaviour and ecology of the Bulindi chimpanzees and their relationship with humans.  The link below provides a list of published articles about the chimpanzees of Bulindi, as well as articles concerning the broader population of ‘forest fragment chimpanzees’ in nearby areas in the Hoima–Masindi region. Some of these articles are free to download from the publisher’s website; others are subscription-only. Read More

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