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Deforestation in Uganda

Learn about the effects of deforestation on wild chimpanzees and the environment in Uganda and how the Bulindi Chimpanzee & Community Project is addressing this pressing issue.

Deforestation is a major problem in Uganda, with serious consequences for the environment and local communities. The Bulindi Chimpanzee & Community Project is working to address this pressing issue by implementing conservation and development activities that help to reduce pressure on the remaining natural forest.

The main driver of deforestation in Uganda is poverty. Local villagers cut down forests to raise cash from timber and farming and for wood for construction and cooking. The Bulindi Chimpanzee & Community Project is working to break this cycle by providing education sponsorship for schoolchildren, which helps to reduce one of the main expenses for local households.

The project also supports small household projects such as livestock rearing and house construction, creating new income streams for local communities. This helps to reduce pressure on the remaining natural forest and improve the lives of local people.

The project further provides energy-saving stoves to local households, helping to reduce pressure on the remaining natural forest. This not only helps to conserve the forest but also helps local communities to save money on fuel and improve their health.

Overall, the Bulindi Chimpanzee & Community Project is making a real difference in the fight against deforestation in Uganda. By working with local communities and providing support in key areas, the project helps to reduce pressure on the remaining natural forest and create a sustainable future for both people and chimpanzees.

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