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The research at Bulindi has generated a series of scientific articles about the behaviour and ecology of the Bulindi chimpanzees and their relationship with humans.  Below is a list of published articles about the chimpanzees of Bulindi, as well as articles concerning the broader population of ‘forest fragment chimpanzees’ in nearby areas in the HoimaMasindi region. Some of these articles are free to download from the publisher’s website; others are subscription-only. If you’re unable to access an article, please visit Matt McLennan's ResearchGate page or contact us and we’ll send you a PDF version.

Cibot, M., McCarthy, M.S., Lester, J.D., Vigilant, L., Sabiiti, T., & McLennan, M.R. (2019). 
Infant carrying by a wild chimpanzee father at Bulindi, Uganda. Primates 

McLennan, M.R., Howell, C.P., Bardi, M., & Heistermann, M. (2019). 
Are human-dominated landscapes stressful for wild chimpanzees? Biological Conservation, 233 (May 2019), 73–82.


McCarthy, M.S., Lester, J.D., Langergraber, K.E., Stanford, C.B., Vigilant, L. (2018).
Genetic analysis suggests dispersal among chimpanzees in a fragmented forest landscape in Uganda
American Journal of Primatology, 

McLennan, M.R. (2018).
Tie one on: 'nest tying' by wild chimpanzees at Bulindi -- a variant of a universal great ape behavior? 
Primates, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10329-018-0658-7

McLennan, M.R.
, Mori, H., Mahittikorn, A., Prasertbun, R., Hagiwara, K., & Huffman, M.A. (2018).
Zoonotic enterobacterial pathogens detected in wild chimpanzees.

Cibot, M., Sabiiti, T., & McLennan, M.R. (2017).
Two cases of chimpanzees interacting with dead animals without food consumption at Bulindi, Hoima District, Uganda. Pan Africa News, 24(1), 6–8.
FREELY AVAILABLE: http://mahale.main.jp/PAN/24_1/24(1)_03.html

McLennan, M.R., Hasegawa, H., Bardi, M., Huffman, M.A. (2017).
Gastrointestinal parasite infections and self-medication in wild chimpanzees surviving in degraded forest fragments within an agricultural landscape mosaic in Uganda. PLoS ONE, 12(7), e0180431.

McLennan, M.R., Spagnoletti, N. and Hockings, K.J. (2017).
The implications of primate behavioral flexibility for sustainable human–primate coexistence in anthropogenic habitats. International Journal of Primatology, 38(2), 105–121.

FREELY AVAILABLE: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10764-017-9962-0

McCarthy, M. S., Lester, J. D., & Stanford, C. B. (2017).
Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) flexibly use introduced species for nesting and bark feeding in a human-dominated habitat. International Journal of Primatology.
FREELY AVAILABLE: link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10764-016-9916-y

McLennan, M.R. and Ganzhorn, J.U. (2017).
Nutritional characteristics of wild and cultivated foods for chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in agricultural landscapes. International Journal of Primatology.

Hill, C.M. & McLennan, M.R. (2016).
​The primatologist as social actor. Etnográfica, 20(3), 668–671.
FREELY AVAILABLE: https://etnografica.revues.org/4771

Hasegawa, H., Shigyo, M., Yanai, Y., McLennan, M.R., Fujita, S., Makouloutou, P., Tsuchida, S., Ando, C., Satoh, H., Huffman, M.A. (2017).
Molecular features of hookworm larvae (Necator spp.) raised by coproculture from Ugandan chimpanzees and Gabonese gorillas and humans. Parasitology International, 66(2), 12–15.

Hockings, K.J., McLennan, M.R. (2016).
Problematic primate behaviour in agricultural landscapes: Chimpanzees as ‘pests’ and ‘predators’. In: Waller, M.T. (Ed.). Ethnoprimatology: Primate Conservation in the 21st Century. Springer: Switzerland, pp. 137–156.

McLennan, M.R. and Asiimwe, C. (2016).
Cars kill chimpanzees: case report of a wild chimpanzee killed on a road at Bulindi, Uganda. Primates, 57(3), 377–388.

Hasegawa, H., Kalousova, B., McLennan M.R., Modry, D., Profousova-Psenkova, I., Shutt-Phillips, K.A., Todd, A., Huffman, M.A., Petrzelkova, K.J. (2016).
Strongyloides infections of humans and great apes in Dzanga-Sangha Protected Areas, Central African Republic and in degraded forest fragments in Bulindi, Uganda. Parasitology International, 65(5), 367–370.

McLennan, M.R. & Hockings, K.J. (2016).
The Aggressive apes? Causes and contexts of great ape attacks on humans. In: Problematic Wildlife: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach, ed. F.M. Angelici. Springer: New York, pp. 373–394.

McCarthy, M. S., Lester, J. D., Howe, E. J., Arandjelovic, M., Stanford, C. B., & Vigilant, L. (2015).
Genetic censusing identifies an unexpectedly sizeable population of an endangered large mammal in a fragmented forest landscape. BMC Ecology, 15(1), 21.

McLennan, M.R. & Hill, C.M. (2015).
Changing agricultural practices and human-chimpanzee interactions: tobacco and sugarcane farming in and around Bulindi, Uganda. In: State of the Apes. Volume II: Industrial Agriculture and Ape Conservation, ed. Arcus Foundation. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK, pp. 29–31.

Ota, N., Hasegawa, H., McLennan M.R., Kooriyama, T., Sato, H., Pebsworth, P.A. and Huffman, M.A. (2015).
Molecular identification of Oesophagostomum spp. from ‘village’ chimpanzees in Uganda and their phylogenetic relationship with those of other primates. Royal Society Open Science, 2(11), 150471.
FREELY AVAILABLE: http://rsos.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/2/11/150471

McLennan, M.R. (2015).
Is honey a fallback food for wild chimpanzees or just a sweet treat? American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 158(4), 685–695. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ajpa.22824/full

Hockings K.J., McLennan M.R., Carvalho, S., Ancrenaz M., Bobe, R., Byrne, R., Dunbar, R.I.M., Matsuzawa, T., McGrew, W.C., Williamson, E.A., Wilson, M.L., Wood, B., Wrangham, R.W. and Hill, C.M. (2015).
Apes in the Anthropocene: flexibility and survival. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 30(4), 215–222. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169534715000397

McLennan, M.R. and Hockings, K.J. (2014).
Wild chimpanzees show group differences in selection of agricultural crops. Scientific Reports, 4, 5956. 

McLennan, M.R. (2014).
Chimpanzee insectivory in the northern half of Uganda’s Rift Valley: do Bulindi chimpanzees conform to a regional pattern? Primates, 55(2), 173–178.

McLennan, M.R. and Hill, C.M. (2013).
Ethical issues in the study and conservation of an African great ape in an unprotected, human-dominated landscape in western Uganda. In: Ethics in the Field: Contemporary Challenges, ed. J. MacClancy and A. Fuentes. Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 42–66.

McLennan, M.R. (2013).
Diet and feeding ecology of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in Bulindi, Uganda: foraging strategies at the forest–farm interface. International Journal of Primatology, 34(3), 585–614.

McLennan, M.R., Hyeroba, D., Asiimwe, C., Reynolds, V. and Wallis, J. (2012).
Chimpanzees in mantraps: lethal crop protection and conservation in Uganda. Oryx, 41(4), 598–603.

McLennan, M.R. and Huffman, M.A. (2012).
High frequency of leaf-swallowing and its relationship to intestinal parasite expulsion in ‘village’ chimpanzees at Bulindi, Uganda. American Journal of Primatology, 74(7), 642–650.

McLennan, M.R. and Hill, C.M. (2012).
Troublesome neighbours: Changing attitudes towards chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in a human-dominated landscape in Uganda. Journal for Nature Conservation, 20(4), 219–227.

Hockings, K.J. and McLennan, M.R. (2012).
From forest to farm: systematic review of cultivar feeding by chimpanzees – management implications for wildlife in anthropogenic landscapes. PLoS ONE, 7(4), e33391.
FREELY AVAILABLE:  http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0033391

McLennan, M.R. and Plumptre, A.J. (2012). Protected apes, unprotected forest: composition, structure and diversity of riverine forest fragments and their conservation value in Uganda. Tropical Conservation Science, 5(1), 79–103.
FREELY AVAILABLE: http://tropicalconservationscience.mongabay.com/content/v5/TCS-2012_mar_79-103_McLennan.pdf

McLennan, M.R. (2011).
Preliminary observations of hand-clasp grooming by chimpanzees at Bulindi, Uganda. Pan Africa News, 18(2), 18–20.
FREELY AVAILABLE: http://mahale.main.jp/PAN/18_2/18%282%29_03.html

McLennan, M.R. (2011).
Tool-use to obtain honey by chimpanzees at Bulindi: new record from Uganda. Primates 52, 315–322.

McLennan, M.R. and Hill, C.M. (2010).
Chimpanzee responses to researchers in a disturbed forest–farm mosaic at Bulindi, western Uganda. American Journal of Primatology, 72, 907–908.

McLennan, M.R. (2010).
Case study of an unusual human–chimpanzee conflict at Bulindi, Uganda. Pan Africa News, 17(1), 1–4.
FREELY AVAILABLE: http://mahale.main.jp/PAN/17_1/17%281%29_01.html

McLennan, M.R. (2008).
Beleaguered chimpanzees in the agricultural district of Hoima, western Uganda. Primate Conservation, 23, 45–54.